Rush on Rebuilding
El Rushbo was talking about how this is a natural cycle of destruction and rebuilding, as well as more about how the Left is the barrier to using fuels and supplies as necessary.
I thought the part about the rebuilding was very interesting, so here it is:
Just to carry out a theme, folks, that I have established recently, "the people who make this country work." When you turn on your television and you look at the people rebuilding New Orleans and Gulfport and Biloxi, Mississippi, those are not going to be environmentalists. You won't see the Robert F. Kennedy, Jrs., or any of these others from these well heeled nonprofit groups rebuilding New Orleans in Gulfport and Biloxi.Rush also had a list of articles about these companies who have already donated to the effort and the actual impact of the storm on the US.
Do you know who it's going to be? It's going to be the military. It will be construction companies and their employees. It will be hotels and restaurants and grocery stores and the like. It will be the very capitalists that make this country work; it will be the very people that make this country work. It will not be the environmentalists who detest these people. It'll be the Wal-Marts of the world. It'll be the Anheuser-Busches. It will be the Ford Motor Company.
All of these institutions the left despises, that's who you'll see rebuilding these cities. You won't see one person from the Sierra Club there. You will not see one person from the Environmental Resources Defense Fund there. You wouldn't see any environmentalist there. You'll see them on TV, whining and moaning about things and complaining like they always do.
Read the Article...
(Reuters: Storm economic impact seen modest-WHouse)
(Investor's Business Daily: Katrina: Summoned By A Hurricane)
(AP: Meteorologists: It Could Have Been Worse)
(Ford Motor Credit Offers Payment Deferrals to Hurricane Katrina Victims)
(PETCO Holds 'Round-Up' to Aid Animal Victims of Hurricane Katrina)
(Anheuser-Busch Donates Canned Water to Aid Hurricane Katrina Victims in Louisiana)
(Wal-Mart Donates $1 Million to The Salvation Army for Katrina Disaster Relief)
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