Is Jack Bauer Conservative?
(Curtsy to Kathryn Lopez at the Corner)
Don't forget to head over to Blogs for Bauer for lots more on 24.
I love this post: And Now A Message From The President.
Here's an excerpt:
Would President Bush give a primetime speech during American Idol? Why then, would Bush's people let him give a speech during the Fox Power Hours?I wish!
President Jack Bauer would not do such a thing. He would secure the border, lower taxes, invade Iran, and stop off in France to kick some poodle-walking mimes - then hold a primetime press conference to bring us up-to-date. It would last 13 seconds, he would yell it, and it could replace an Apple ad during the second commercial break on 24."Fellow Americans. I have secured the border, lowered your taxes, invaded some muslim country, and destroyed France. There's no time for details."
For a good laugh, I present a link to the Top Jack Bauer Facts.
And, both Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham have been to visit the 24 set. You'll find links here.
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