More Things of Interest
From the RNC, via e-mail:
Earlier this week, 55 House Democrats released a statement entitled: House Democrats Release Historic Catholic Statement of Principles. This statement is a cynical, pathetic attempt by the Democrats to dupe Catholic voters, who are leaving their party in droves election after election. We thought you would appreciate this information, which contains some background on some of those signing this statement.Here is these Dem's statement. Here is what the people at National Review have to say about it.
This effort, led by former EMILY'S List Executive Director and now-Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), is absurd. While the statement says that "we work every day to advance respect for life," over 60% of those Democrats signing this statement voted against the Partial Birth Abortion Ban. The only thing "Historic" about this statement is its unprecendented level of Democratic spin and deceit toward Catholics across the nation.
Martin Gillespie
RNC Director of Catholic Outreach
35 Of The 55 Catholic House Democrats That Signed The "Catholic Statement Of Principles" Have Voted Against The Partial Birth Abortion Ban.
Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Rep. William Lacy Clay, Rep. Hilda Solis, Rep. Anna Eshoo, Rep. Betty McCollum, Rep. Raul Grijalva, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, Rep. John Larson, Rep. Ed Pastor, Rep. Joe Baca, Rep. William Delahunt, Rep. Mike Thompson, Rep. Linda Sanchez, Rep. Charles Gonzalez, Rep. Xavier Becerra, Rep. Diane Watson, Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Rep. Frank Pallone, Rep. James McGovern, Rep. George Miller, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, Rep. Michael Capuano, Rep. Peter DeFazio, Rep. Maurice Hinchey, Rep. Dennis Cardoza, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Rep. Robert Brady, Rep. Marty Meehan, Rep. Grace Napolitano, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Rep. Jose Serrano, Rep. Edward Markey, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, And Rep. Lane Evans voted against the ban. ("House Democrats Release Historic Catholic Statement Of Principles," Press Release, 2/28/06; H.R. 760, CQ Vote #242, Passed 282-139: R 220-5; D 62-133; I 0-1, 6/4/03; H.R. 4965, CQ Vote # 343, Passed 274-151: R 208-9; D 65-141; I 1-1, 7/24/02; H.R. 3660, CQ Vote #104, Passed 287-141: R 209-8; D 77-132; I 1-1, 4/5/00; H.R. 1122, CQ Vote #65, Passed 295-136: R 218-8; D 77-127; I 0-1, 3/20/97)
12 Of The 13 Women Who Signed The "Catholic Statement Of Principles" Are On EMILY's List's Website As "Women We Helped Elect."
Rep. Nancy Pelosi is the only Congresswoman not on their list. (EMILY's List Website, , Accessed 3/1/06)
And over at The Corner, Cliff May posted some links about the Palestinian suicide bomber movie "Paradise Now," which is, of course, up for an Oscar. The director says "that suicide-bombing women and children is really 'a counter-terrorists act.'" How nice. Plus, a Charles Krauthammer column on the film.
The NR Editors have a new column up about the DP World deal. They say Dump the Deal. Andy McCarthy has found the website of the UAE's VP, "Prime Minister, and, as of two months ago, the Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai." He seems to be a big fan of suicide bombing. Yes, let's do business with him.
Via Drudge: World Tribune: UAE buys British firm that runs U.S. military facilities. That's completely unacceptable.
Also at NR (lots of good NR, as usual!): a symposium on Oscar winners and losers. Various contributors were asked these three questions:
1) Predict Best Picture winner. 2) In an ideal world, what would be Best Picture? 3) How annoying is George Clooney.My answers would be: 1) Probably Brokeback Mountain, because Liberals love Liberals and will always go for the movie least liked by We the People 2) My newest favorite movie, Pride & Prejudice
See also Ann Coulter's Oscar Picks and comments. Hilarious.
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