A Lady's Ruminations

"Jane was firm where she felt herself to be right." -Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

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Location: United States

I'm also a usually quiet, reserved Lady, who enjoys books, tea, baking, and movies! I spend most of my time reading one of my favorite books or wishing I was reading my favorite books. My Grand Passion is history, particularly the Regency Period in England, when Jane Austen wrote, Lord Nelson defeated the French Fleet at Trafalgar, the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon, and men were Gentlemen and women Ladies. I cherish the thought of being a Lady and love manners, being proper, and having proper tea. My favorite tea is Twinings, especially Earl Grey or Prince of Wales. My specialty to make is Scones with Devon Cream. I am a Catholic and a Conservative.

Monday, October 24, 2005

I Oppose the Miers Nomination

Over at The Truth Laid Bear, they are calling on bloggers to take a stand on the Miers Nomination.

Do you support, oppose or prefer to remain neutral?

The bloggers already on record can be see here.

If you would like to make your stand known, please go here.

I oppose the Miers nomination. I do so for a variety of reasons, none of which are sexist or elitist. After all, I am a woman and not an Ivy League, rich, snob.

I have already posted many links to articles, columns, and posts about Harriet Miers. Many speak to why I disagree with her nomination.

First of all, I really do not believe she is qualified to be on the United States Supreme Court. I am sure she's probably an excellent worker, efficient, competent, and good at her job, but that does not mean she is qualified for the highest court in the land. I was a manager for basketball teams, and a good one, if I do say so myself, but it wouldn't have done to appoint me head coach.

With Liberals like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stevens on the Supreme Court, we need to match their intellectual and philosophical strengths. We need another Thomas or Scalia, not the secretary down the hall. Harriet Miers, from all I have heard and read about her, does not seem to be a strong Conservative, ready to do intellectual battle with the Left.

Probably most important is the fact that we really have no idea what Miers believes about issues. We don't need another David Souter on the Court, as Ann Coulter reminds us. We need a strong, Originalist Conservative. Harriet Miers is anything but. Her allies bring up commonplace characteristics and expect us to be happy. She's excellent at filing papers, they basically say. That's just not good enough.

We need a pro-life, pro-family, pro-God, pro-USA, anti-Liberal nominee. The President has given us a blank slate. What happens when the Democrats put pressure on her? Does she stand up for what we believe in? Or does she do a David Souter and join them? I am very much afraid it will be the latter, because Harriet Miers has no record of standing for conservative issues.

Sure, we have been given tiny bits and pieces of Miers' beliefs, but nothing substantive. Nothing to make us think, "My goodness, we can trust her! She's as Conservative as Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin!" That's what we need and that's what we deserve.

Instead, we have a nominee who has catered to Liberal interest groups in the past, donated money to their causes, and been on the wrong side of issues like affirmative action. I haven't seen or heard one bit of information about Harriet Miers' beliefs that has convinced me of her Conservatism.

The President saying "trust me" isn't enough. He shouldn't have to say it, because he should have nominated someone he wouldn't have to ask us to trust him on, if that makes sense.

We did trust him. We trusted him so much we worked and bled and sweated and spent money and time and energy to get him elected not once, but twice. We trusted him to do the Conservative thing. We trusted him to cut back on government spending, not increase it. We trusted him to hold steady on free political speech, not make it illegal by signing McCain-Feingold. We trusted him to change the federal government into a more Conservative institution, after years and years of Liberal control.

Most of all, we trusted him to appoint strict Constructionist Conservatives to the Supreme Court. Everyone knew there was a good chance that President Bush would be able to nominate a number of new justices to the Supreme Court. That's really one of the reasons why the 2004 election was so hotly contested.

We won it for him and we expected Scalia and Thomas clones to be put on the bench. We haven't got that.

Instead, we have a woman who hasn't ever divulged her opinions on issues, who has given us some inkling of her beliefs through past actions (or has she?), who is not qualified for the position to which she has been nominated, and who will probably turn out to be the female David Souter.

I don't care that Harriet Miers is a woman or didn't go to Yale or Harvard. What I care about is the fact that Harriet Miers is no Conservative and that the President of the United States stabbed us in the back.

I oppose the Miers nomination and I hope it fails. Perhaps the President will remember who elected him in the first place.

If we wanted Harriet Miers, we would have elected John McCain.