A Lady's Ruminations

"Jane was firm where she felt herself to be right." -Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

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Location: United States

I'm also a usually quiet, reserved Lady, who enjoys books, tea, baking, and movies! I spend most of my time reading one of my favorite books or wishing I was reading my favorite books. My Grand Passion is history, particularly the Regency Period in England, when Jane Austen wrote, Lord Nelson defeated the French Fleet at Trafalgar, the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon, and men were Gentlemen and women Ladies. I cherish the thought of being a Lady and love manners, being proper, and having proper tea. My favorite tea is Twinings, especially Earl Grey or Prince of Wales. My specialty to make is Scones with Devon Cream. I am a Catholic and a Conservative.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Meet the Moron

The Political Teen has a clip from CNN of an interview with Lorrie "I'm a Moron" Heasley, who I posted on here.

Heasley was asked to change her shirt because it offended other passengers on her Southwest Airlines flight, but is having a hissy fit over the whole incident. Southwest Airlines policies clearly show the airline to be within its rights.

In her CNN interview, she said she didn't think her shirt should have offended anyone or that she should have had to change it . . . because this is America!

What a moron.

Of course, CNN trumpets the fact that she is using her freedom of speech and she will now be using her freedom of choice---not to fly Southwest.

How helpful. Next time I decide to fly some where, I'll use Southwest, just so I won't have to run into an idiot like Lorrie Heasley.